This is a place with foundations built on equity and inclusivity. Bristol Temple Quarter will focus on the delivery of high-quality new homes in the right places, with affordability at the heart of everything we do.
An engine for sustainable and inclusive growth, it’s where small ideas and big innovations get off the ground and generate well-paid, skilled jobs for everyone. This is a place that is united but not uniform, full of buildings, spaces and programmes that celebrate our city’s diverse culture and creative spirit — setting a gold standard for community-focussed placemaking.
It’s a haven for our city’s natural beauty, a place that revives greenspaces and waterways for all life to thrive. And together with the housing and infrastructure that it delivers, this place will enable people to live low-impact, sustainable urban lives. Bristol Temple Quarter draws on our city’s independent thinking to develop places with a difference, making positive change for our people and the planet.
You can view the full Vision For Place here.
The vision for Temple Quarter was developed following community and stakeholder engagement that helped to define what makes Bristol, Bristol, and how this spirit can be reflected at BTQ. From this community and stakeholder engagement, our vision statement was created to help guide future change at BTQ.
Read more about our Vision for Place