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For Developers

BTQ LLP intends to launch a formal process to procure a Private Sector Partner (PSP) in Q1 2025, to help it bring the Bristol Temple Quarter scheme forward.

The PSP opportunity addresses all of the regeneration area, with BTQ LLP acting as a single counter party between the PSP and the public sector.

Private sector partner procurement

The Bristol Temple Quarter development partner procurement process will be launching in February, details of which are contained within the Prior Information Notice published on the Government’s Find a Tender service.

Read the PIN online.

In advance of the Contract Notice being published, we recommend that any interested parties should register on the West of England Combined Authority Supplier Portal – which BTQ LLP will use to run the procurement process

Register on the portal.

Aerial view over the Temple Quarter Site
Temple Quarter - Development view from the river.

Further information

Should you have any queries regarding the process in the meantime, please refer these to the contact stated in the Prior Information Notice – once the opportunity launches, all queries should be directed through the Portal. Further details on the opportunity will be provided in due course.

A guide to using the Supplier Portal can be found online.