Bristol Temple Quarter logo

Get involved

Temple Quarter will have a big impact on Bristol and the West of England.

This page provides information about how to get involved with the Temple Quarter project, including attending one of our monthly walks, and drop-in events that are taking place.

Walking tours

We are currently running walking tours of the key sites around Bristol Temple Meads Station that will be transformed as part of Temple Quarter.

These walks take place on the first Monday of the month (except when it’s a bank holiday). Places are limited to ensure everyone can hear and ask any questions they have.

To join a tour, book a place on Eventbrite.

Eventbrite Booking
Group of people sitting listening to speaker at an event.

Organisations and groups

If you are part of an organisation or group that is interested in visiting Temple Quarter or want us to attend an event you are hosting to share more information about the project with your members, then please get in touch.

You can email us at

Education Resources

We have a range of activities and resources that we can provide to schools and universities which include:

Key Stage 2 – Bristol Temple Quarter in Minecraft workshop

Training and information for teachers

Want to hear all the latest news about the project?

Sign up to our newsletters online
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Consultation and Engagement

As we develop our proposals for change at BTQ, there be opportunities for people to influence emerging ideas for different areas of the Temple Quarter programme. This will include both face-to-face opportunities and online engagement. Details will be available on this page.

All engagements