There are a variety of sites available for development or occupation across the Enterprise Zone, as well as in the wider Temple Quarter area. Some sites already have planning consent and some have been the subject of recent development interest or early proposals.
Bristol City Council is working with the West of England Local Enterprise Partnership and Invest Bristol and Bath to promote these opportunities. You can view a map of some key sites, or get in touch for more information.
A Spatial Framework has also been prepared to guide prospective developers and investors. This non-statutory guidance sets out key urban design principles, reflecting our ambitions for the Enterprise Zone. It is supported by a significant body of contextual study, which is freely available to help further de-risk development.
Here are some quick links to help find relevant content on this website:
- A summary of the benefits on offer in the Enterprise Zone;
- A resources page with supporting documents and links to further information;
- An interactive map highlighting some key sites and upcoming projects. You can also view a wider map of the area that shows the range of businesses based here.
If you have any further questions, please fill in our contact form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.