Local residents and businesses have one week left to share their views on the council’s framework for how the Bristol Temple Quarter Enterprise Zone could be developed over 25 years.
The framework covers topics such as development layout, land use, public spaces, transport and access, and shows how the area could look: a liveable urban quarter with new work hubs, residential apartments, the new arena and people friendly streets and spaces.
It is outlined in a document called the Spatial Framework, a non-statutory planning document that will be an important tool to guide and shape future development in the Enterprise Zone. The Spatial Framework is being consulted on alongside two complimentary documents: a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan, a strategic transport plan that focusses on how walking, cycling and public transport use could be encouraged to and within the zone, and a Public Realm Guide that sets out the council’s expectations for the design of people-friendly streets and spaces.
All three documents and a feedback survey are available at https://bristoltemplequarter.com/spatialframework and at libraries. The deadline for comments is 5pm on Thursday 14th April 2016.