Bristol City Council’s Enterprise Zone Development Control Committee has now approved the planning application for the Phase 3 development of Paintworks. The Section 106 Agreement confirming the level of developer contributions has now also been signed.
The project team will now move ahead with the detailed design of the scheme in order to submit full detailed plans under Reserved Matters early this year. It is then hoped that the build will begin by the summer of 2013.
So what does the plan contain?
The outline application includes the retention of the Endemol building as well as the demolition of other existing buildings. There will then be the erection of a number of new building to create some more retail floor space, employment floor space, a number of live/work units and up to 210 residential units. There will also be revised vehicular access of bath road.
Regular updates will continue to be posted on the Paintworks website And if you have any further questions relating to the application please contact:
Avril Baker at ABC email: