Unlocking homes and jobs at Temple Meads
By consolidating car parking in one location, we can do more with the land to the north of the station at the Northern Gateway, including delivering new and affordable homes, jobs, sustainable travel options, improved passenger facilities, and new public spaces.
Without moving the parking, none of this can happen, meaning we can’t deliver the new homes, jobs and public realm improvements that Bristol needs to welcome people to the city-region.
Better access from the South of the city
The Southern Gateway will give direct access into Bristol Temple Meads station. Using the existing railway bridge, pedestrians will be able to access Temple Meads via a step-free route. The new entrance is funded by the £94.7m awarded by central government in 2022.
Delivering a world-class sustainable transport hub that encourages modal shift
The Southern Gateway will be a modern multi-modal transport hub, with space for scooter parking, bus and/or Mass Transit pick up and drop off, and EV charging, encouraging people to change how they travel. It will dramatically improve provision for cyclists, with new, secure cycle parking with capacity for hundreds of bikes.
Temple Meads is currently difficult to access sustainably. Creating a quality, simple to use mobility hub will integrate the railway station with sustainable travel connectivity, in addition to other improvements we are making to the area.
Improving the smooth operation of Bristol Temple Meads for operators and passengers
Much of the parking at Bristol Temple Meads is regulated for use by passengers and rail operators. By relocating the parking into a new, modern facility, we are maintaining provision for motor vehicles while unlocking land at the north of the station for new developments.
An improved parking facility enables Temple Meads to continue to run smoothly, and this new multi-modal hub will help to enhance the experience of passengers and operators alike, further meeting the needs of a 21st century railway station.