The South West Digital Awards are an opportunity to highlight, reward and encourage digital innovation throughout the region. The awards are free to enter and the winners will be announced at an event in May 2018 in Plymouth’s historic Royal William Yard.
The awards go beyond the obvious technical sectors and have a varied list of 12 categories, including health care and use of digital by charities.
The awards ceremony will be an event in itself, with South West based start-ups being invited to host a stall in the ‘Play Zone’, an immersive showcase space. Any startup working on engaging and interactive projects can apply to exhibit in the space – expect gaming, VR & more!
Rather than a standard keynote speech during the awards, guests will instead be able to use social media to interact with a panel of business and digital experts from the South West and beyond.
Nominations for the awards are open until 31 January 2018. Find out more at