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The Vision for Place is a rich document that asks:

The Vision for Place is a rich document that asks:

It draws on the idea of ‘placemaking’ — a process of shaping places that inspires people to collectively reimagine and reinvent public spaces and buildings as the heart of their community.

Image of people sat on steps at Temple Quay

What makes Bristol, Bristol?

When we asked the public for feedback on the 2023 BTQ Development Framework, a lot of people said the principles within it were too general and did not reflect Bristol enough.

To make sure the Vision for Place put Bristol at the centre, we asked local people, community groups and stakeholders to help us define what makes Bristol, Bristol, and how this spirit can be reflected at BTQ.

Using this public feedback, the Vision for Place sets out Bristol’s key characteristics. These are:

1. Diverse Culture

2. Independent Thinking

3. Creative Spirit

4. Historic Fabric

5. Natural Beauty

Bristol Temple Quarter will be…

Building on this community feedback and the five characteristics that make Bristol, the Vision for Place outlines a series of placemaking commitments that Bristol Temple Quarter will:

  • Be Welcoming, Accessible & Just
  • Embrace Heritage, Adaptation & Evolution
  • Focus on Creating and Supporting Thriving Communities
  • Enable Meaningful Connections
  • Provide Affordable Housing
  • Be a Resilient & Flexible Development
  • Be Hospitable Towards Local Communities
  • Prioritise People & Planet
  • Earn People’s Trust & Hearts
  • Be True to Bristol

Finally, the Vision for Place sets out five Guiding Principles that will guide change at BTQ. These principles have been adapted from the 2023 Development Framework to make less generic and more focused on Bristol and the West of England.

Integrated & Connected

Sustainable and low-impact mobility that gets people together and around easily.

Brilliant Buildings

Future-proofed buildings with a distinct character, a diverse cultural identity and a strong heritage.

Inclusive Economic Growth

Productivity-driven growth with fair distribution of economic contributions and benefits.

Quality Open Spaces

Dynamic public spaces that blend culture and nature into the fabric of the city.

Vibrant & Creative Communities

Community potential enabled through inclusive and meaningful spaces to live, work, learn and play.

Our Vision Compass

Key: highlighting Bristol Unique Spirt
Key: highlighting Five guiding principles
Circular diagram showing Bristol’s unique spirit and five guiding principles.

Practical ways to create a place

We want the Vision for Place to be a practical document for the BTQ team, developers, and communities to use and refer back to as change happens at Temple Quarter.

Inside the Vision, we have included numerous case studies and examples of great placemaking from across the world, as well as ways that our guiding principles and Bristol’s spirit can be applied to Temple Quarter to create a great place.

Read more about our approach to placemaking at Bristol Temple Quarter.